In the first announcement of TRANSVESTIA that was sent out and in the first couple of issues it was suggested that the price of the mag. might be reduced when the size of the subscription list warrented. We are not yet quite to the point where this could occur, but I am making the decision at this point anyway. You have all noticed that the size, variety and quality of the magazine have improved with each issue, and the present one is no exception. While the size of the subscription list has also increased, and I hope.will continue to do so, I feel that rather than reduce the price to $3.50 which would be awkward for many since a lot of sub- scriptions are paid in cash, I would rather put this savings into added value in the magazine. This policy you see in this issue. I have gone to heavier and less translucent paper which makes a better appearance. This paper not only costs more but weighs more which will probably necessitate increased postage. Also I have begun to publish pictures and cartoons which are unsubsidized. The price of $4 is not out of line with what you are getting in this magazine because you can get it nowhere else. All of the Nutrix booklets advertised in this issue and many not advertised go for $3.75 plus postage. In TVia's $4 the postage is included. In short, therefore, the price will stay as it is and the quality too, I hope, and trust that those of you paying the bills will feel that they are well treated.
I would like to take this occasion to thank a great number of you who have been sufficiently interested in see- ing this magazine "make it" to have sent in little extra contributions along with your subscriptions. Some have sent $5 for $4 subscriptions some have sent an extra $5 or $10. One good friend sent me a personal check for $50 and told me to use it for the magazine or for a new dress which ever I wanted. He said he was sending it because he was so glad that a magazine dealing with TV had come into being and it was his way of saying thanks. To this friend I say, "I split the difference. The new cover which you find on this issue was bought with some of this money as were some of the extra pictures. On the other hand I couldnt resist a most darling black and white satin hostess outfit with